Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wishcast Wednesday - What do you wish to renew?

Jamie Ridler is the fabulous creator of Wishcast Wednesday (as well as many, many other talents).  This week's wishcraft prompt is...

What do you wish to renew?

Although I know the meaning of the word, I wanted to look it up in the dictionary to see what it said there.

renew - 1. restore to original state, make new, revive, regenerate  2.  patch, fill up, reinforce, replace  3. get, begin, make say, or give anew, continue after intermission, grant or be granted continued validity of , recover

I loved when I read "continue after intermission" because I feel like my life is so many intermissions followed by the "play" again--I have often had to take a time out to regroup.  Thankfully, I usually come back better than ever.

I also feel like so many times in my life I am patching, filling up, and reinforcing myself--repairing myself.

But what I like best from the description is "to be granted continued validity of...  Who wouldn't want to be granted continued validity--to know that you were always valid no matter what your inner voices had to say.  What would we all be able to accomplish if we knew we were always valid???

So, that's my Wishcast wish this week...I wish to "renew" my validity so that I may be able to always know that I am valid--no matter what my inner critic (or outer critics) have to say.  I am valid!

As you all wish for yourselves, I also wish for you with all my heart!

Life is a Do-It-Yourself project.  - Unknown

Creativity flourishes when we have a sense of safety and self-acceptance.  - Julia Cameron

Be patient with yourself.  Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground.  - Stephen Covey

Thanks for reading, as always!


  1. Great post! We all need to nourish ourselves because then we can accomplish our goals. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

  2. Good for you Ceanne! As you wish for yourself, so do I wish for you as well.

  3. Excellent! As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also.

  4. True to your Inner Self, wonderful.
    As you wish for yourself, so too I wish for you.

  5. I like how you broke this down to the pure meanings of the word. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also.

  6. I love it, that was good. Intermissions followed by play. As Ceanne wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

  7. So great! Intermissions in the play = perfection.

    As Ceanne wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

  8. As Ceanne wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    Cool idea to look the word up.


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