Thursday, May 6, 2010

What rules do I wish to Make or Break?

Thanks to Andrea for asking me to join this--love this idea!! I'm joining Wishcasting Wednesday with Jamie Ridler!

I wish to break the rule that beauty is determined by the media and make the rule that beauty is determined by us (real humans)!!!


  1. Hi Ceanne,
    Thank you for stopping by. I agree with you. Beauty should be determined by us. There are so many different kinds of beauty and they should all be appreciated. As Ceanne wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

  2. Beauty is ours when we claim it! As Ceanne wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

  3. Yes! I'm working on claiming and owning my own beauty! Thanks!

  4. I agree with your wish. As Ceanne wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Ceanne I need you email addy to give to Jackie for the free sheet. Lucy

  5. AMEN on this wish!!! I am sooo with you on it.. in fact, one of my 101 goals for 2010 mirrors this wish soooo....

    As Ceanne so wishes, I wish for her also (and for the planet, entirely!)

    This is My Wishcast!


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