Thursday, January 28, 2010

It all began with a dream...

So, a friend of mine at my church - The Centre for Conscious Living, in Winnipeg, Manitoba - who is very creative, fun, and inspiring, started an adventure for people to sign up to (see her page on the sidebar, ABC Creativity). This adventure is called "Creative Dreamers".

I signed on to do this a few weeks ago but have been "busy" with other things so haven't had the time (or made the time) to start. Today, I took some time on my lunch break to start the ball rolling. I added a "list" to my sidebar and will keep my dreams listed there so they will be visible all the time!

I'm pretty excited, but noticed too that when I first started my preliminary list (that is written in my Visioning Journal) they were was not specific..."Increase my income", "Find love", etc. So...I'm redoing them slowly, thinking about each one and what it is I really want for each preliminary "dream". As they become specific I'll add them to my list on the sidebar.

That's it for today. I really need to work on spending more time here--maybe that could be a dream?!?! I'll add it right away!



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