Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back to Work! (From Weebly April 24, 2009) can certainly tell I'm not on holidays and am back to work--I haven't had the time I had last week to keep up on my accountability--irony! I know!

So... I realized this week that I'm having this sort of ebb and flow right now--almost a rocking motion of a good day, followed by a not so good day, back and forth.

I actually take this as a good sign--it kind of reminds me of having your car stuck in snow and how you have to create a rocking motion with it until you get out of the rut and then the going is easy. I feel like I'm getting out of the rut, but I'm still a bit stuck. The momentum is building!

Last night my sleep wasn't so great but the night before it was better than it's been in probably six weeks, so very positive. I also realized that the reason I didn't sleep well last night (and probably other nights within the last six weeks) is that I ate too much at supper last night and my body' trying to digest the excess food is keeping my "body" active even during sleep so it doesn't get to rest properly. Eureka! So, I either need to eat less in the evening or stay up later till the foods had a chance to digest (Just joking!!!--I know it's the first one!).

At work, I am the volunteer coordinator of a leadership/involvement committee--it's hard to describe. It's called Your MAndate for Greater INvolvment or YMAGIN and I was voted as the coordinator for Manitoba Region. The committee has been around for about 8 years and started as an initiative for young employees to be involved more in creating a workplace that they are proud of and a place for networking with your peers as well as those of managment, directors, etc. It's now changed to encompass those employees of any age who wish to be so involved. It's a very cool thing.

I've felt a bit stalled for various reasons with this committee, I won't go into the reasons here as it'll take too long, but needless to say, we haven't had a chance to create our activity plans for this fiscal year April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010. I've been trying to go ahead but we have a Champion--a director in Saskatchean-- who I've only been able to have one conversation with and a couple of e-mails as he is sooo busy and I've been scared to make a move without his input. Well...yesterday, I had our planning meeting, only four of 15 Manitoba committee members showed up (in person or by teleconference) and I decided "to heck with it, we're still going to go forward, not worry about a quarum and just plan". We really had a great meeting and some great ideas came out of it. My brain was working pretty good last night pumping out more ideas and I still "humming" today with other thoughts of how we can do different events and activities that have fallen through the cracks with the changes that have been going on. I'm excited! Now, I just need to get ahold of a couple of different Directors (In Sask, sigh) and get their blessing and start to get the plan on paper and share with the rest of the committee and the Saskatchewan Committee. Yay! I feel some momentum!

And one more great thing. It's my day off on Monday (I work an extra half hour a day to get every third Monday off) AND I don't have to work my part time job this weekend so a three day weekend! Yay squared!

Well, have lots to do today and will probably write more later or tomorrow.

Have a great day!


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