Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wishcast Wednesday - August 11, 2010

Jamie Ridler's Wishcast Wednesday prompt this week is Where do you wish to send some love?

I've actually been thinking a lot about love the last few days--my ability to give it where I see it needed, and my struggle to accept it for myself or give it to myself.

I do love myself, but I know that I don't always talk to myself in a loving manner.  I also am good at seeing where people need things from me and offering, a lot of times without being asked.  What I noticed is that there are very few people who do that for me.  I'm not sure if it's because I am outwardly so independent or if I have a vibe or "leave me be".  I'm sure those reasons could be part of the reason.  I really do hate to ask for help--to feel helpless.  But I have often had to ask for help from my family lately, especially in regards to my finances--which also makes me feel less independent.  Hmmm, perhaps I'm manifesting something in order to be less independent???  Have to think about that...

But, I have digressed...I wish to send some love:

  • to myself, to know that I'm on a journey of self-awareness that is leading me to be my best self--and that, right now, I'm the best me I can be. I continue on my journey, I will always be in the perfect place I need to be to continue to grow.
  • to my family, for always being there when I really need them.
  • to the friends I have who know me well enough to offer me what they see I need--support, love, etc.
  • to this great community of Wishcasters who are all on a perfect journey of their own
  • to Jamie Ridler for starting this wonderful community
  • to Spirit for this life journey of self awareness, self-acceptance, self-love and to sharing awareness, acceptance, and love with others
  • to...whomever needs it
Thank you!



  1. Ceanne great wish, as Ceanne wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

  2. As Ceanne wishes for herself and those she loves, I wish for them also.
    Here's to loving ourselves a little more eeach day ! Cheers !

  3. What a delicious and loving wish!
    As Ceanne wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

  4. Wonderful wishes! As Ceanne wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.

  5. As you spread love for those in need, may you receive it back in abundance. May you be blessed financially as well.

    As Ceanne wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also!

  6. As Ceanne wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  7. As Ceanne wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well. Such a lovely list of wishes... lots of love to you too. xx

  8. What wonderful wishes!
    As Ceanne wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

  9. Ceanne,
    You are a strong, beautiful woman, who gives much love ... allow yourself to receive.
    As Ceanne wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Ceanne, it sounds like you are an empath and that is a wonderful thing!

    As Ceanne wishes for herself, I wish for her as well! *hugs*


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